Title Deed
DB111/6 Sale by lease & release, Lease 1 Sep 1681[1]
Transcription by Celia Renshaw
Cover: 1st Sep 1681. Geo: Rawbone & others to Jerem’h Smallridge – Lease for a year
Endorsed: Sealed and delivered by the within named George Rawbone and Martha his wife, in the p’sence of: Tho Chapman; Rich. Saunders.
Sealed and delivered by the within named John Kendall als Milles & Martha his wife in the p’sence of: Rich: Saunders; John Smalridge
Text: This Indenture made the first day of September in the three and thirtieth year of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god of England &c Annoq Dmi 1681 Betweene George Rawbone of Newport Pagnell in the County of Buks Carpender and Martha his wife and John Kendall otherwise Milles of Abberforth (Aberford) in the County of yorke Carpender and Martha his wife of the one parte And Jeremiah Smalridge of Newport Pagnell in the county of Bucks Maltster of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Rawbone and Martha his wife John Kendall otherwise Milles and Martha his wife, for and in consideration of the summe of Six pence unto them or one of them in hand paid and for other divers good causes and valuable considerations them hereunto moveing hath granted bargained and sold and by these p’sents doe grant bargaine & sell unto the said Jeremiah Smalridge his Executors,
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